O.N.E Community Vlog

Dear Friends,

Currently, Vietnamese people’s health is greatly affected by the overconsumption of unsafe food, chemicals in drinks, and environmental pollution, etc. At the same time, the busy pace of life and work makes people lose their energy easily, thereby losing stability in relationships and personal life. 

Especially young adults from 25-35 years old – the main labor force of Vietnam, aren’t yet able to follow the lifestyle like the rest of the world; Health & Wellness.   

Looking back on my own journey of learning to manage mind-body-spirit energy, I came to understand that if you don’t have sustainable energy daily, then you can’t achieve wellness. Only when the energy levels are in harmony, can good health, and a freedom of the mind begins. 

At O.N.E community, we provide you simple solutions based on: 

●  Eat and drink organic – Measure energy and nutrition that’s suitable for you

● Exercise – relax every day

● Practice and share – small positive changes every week

If you are living an on the go lifestyle to pursue your passion and achieve success, but at the same time want to have sustainable energy to bring you strength and beauty from body to mind, please accompany me and the O.N.E community.

“Kiss Your Energy is the simplest way to have a healthy body and mind, to live our passion in a sustainable way!

                                                                                                                                                                                                    – Tyna Huynh 

RELAXATION EXERCISE 05- Back relaxation exercise at the office

Hello everyone, wish you all a very energetic start to the week!

During the #Covid19 epidemic season, in addition to exercising to improve health, today Drinkizz would like to introduce to you an extremely effective back relaxation exercise. If you often have back pain due to sitting at the computer a lot, don’t ignore it!

Why does sitting at the computer for a long time cause back pain?

When sitting for a long time in the same position, the entire ligaments, spine, discs, muscles, hip and lumbar bones and related parts will be compressed. Over time, poor blood circulation leads to back pain and fatigue.

Prolonged back pain causes psychological stress and produces a lot of cortisol (stress hormone). When cortisol is high, antioxidant enzymes in the blood weaken, leading to lack of energy, fatigue, aging, and disease.

What happens to your body when you do relaxation exercises?

Relaxation exercises often have a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system. Nerves and sensory receptors are stimulated and messages are sent along nerve pathways through the spinal cord to the brain. At that time, the parasympathetic system will slow down the body’s activities, such as lowering the heart rate, regulating breathing, lowering blood pressure and reducing the amount of sweat. 

When you relax completely, psychological stress will be reduced. As a result, antioxidant enzymes in the blood such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase… work better, helping to balance free radicals in the body. (1)

What are the benefits of back relaxation exercises?

Practicing back relaxation for 10 to 15 minutes a day helps:

Energy regeneration!

Pain relief, back fatigue!

Let’s do back relaxation exercises:

First, sit up straight in a chair.

Next, turn to the left, keeping your right hand on your left thigh, and your left hand on the seat cushion behind your back.

Hold the pose for 10 seconds, then change direction.

Note: Take it slow and practice for 10 to 15 minutes. Wish you success!


(1)  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21280542/


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