Downward-Facing Dog Pose – Regenerate Natural Energy – Stretching Deep For Back And Shoulders

When having to work for too long without health protection actions, office workers are susceptible to bone and joint pain such as back pain when the neck and shoulders are under great pressure from the weight. body. If there is no change and the above conditions persist, it will cause many difficulties in your life and work.

To improve the above problems, office workers need to change their lives and work hard in sports to improve their health! Let Drinkizz introduce you to a move that brings tremendous effects to your body with the Downward-Facing Dog Yoga pose!

As one of the most famous yoga moves, Downward-Facing Dog Pose will help strengthen your muscles, stretch deep your back and shoulders, and regenerate natural energy for you. Although it is a popular pose, this is not an easy pose to do when it requires both strength and flexibility in the movement! Thus, Drinkizz will guide you in detail:


  • Sit on your heels, bend your hips forward touching the mat, arms outstretched forward parallel with each other. Fingers pointing wide and forward. Stretch out the arms and lengthen the spine.
  • Press the ankles down, lift the buttocks, then lift the knees. Straighten the legs, with your heels flat on the ground, and feet parallel to each other.
  • Press the hands down firmly on the mat, and stretch both the arms and spine. Keep the back and arms in a straight line.
  • Stretch out the back and the lower belly, at the same time do keep your arms and back straight
  • Keep the Downward Facing Dog position and deep and steady breathing.


  • Stretch the thighs, and the calves
  • Strengthen the back muscles
  • Balance the hip 
  • Lengthen the spine, keeping it flexible and healthy
  • Helps to open up the chest, increase lung capacity, and increase Oxygen intake
  • Deep exhale, cleansing the air in the bottom of the lungs, increases Oxygen. 

Drinkizz strongly encourages you to practice this movement every day to keep your body healthy and regenerate your natural energy! Follow Drinkizz to receive information about many other useful moves!

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