Juice | Lemon, Celery, Beetroot Juice | Organic Detox – Detoxification, Body Purification


In modern life, many people are always busy with their work. Therefore, eating is extremely necessary to rest the mind, help recharge and keep the body recovering. However, some improper eating habits can affect your physical and even mental health when consuming unhealthy foods such as Fast food, Carbonated soft drinks, Hot and spicy food, etc. So, now is the time to detox your body and enjoy your leisurely weekends!


Drinkizz would like to introduce to you the delicious and fresh Organic Detox recipe from Lemon, Celery, and Beetroot to help the body purify, eliminate toxins, supplement the necessary vitamins, and especially help the digestive system to be healthy! Organic Detox – Organic body detox for a refreshing mind.


Organic Detox is an innovative formula with a harmonious combination of the mildly pungent scent of celery, mixed with the mild sweetness of the beetroot and the sour and refreshing taste of lemon. In addition, the nutritional energy from the Vitamins and Minerals of celery, the betacyanin pigment in beetroot helps to detoxify the liver, and Vitamin C from Lemon will help you detox your body healthy! Finally, with eye-catching and youthful colors, Organic Detox will help support cooling, which is the right choice after a long day!


I. Ingredients, Instructions

1. Ingredients

  • 60 gr of organic celery
  • 200 gr organic beetroot
  • 1 organic lemon 95-100 gr
  • 2 gr organic mint leaves

2. Instruction

  • Take 200g of beetroot juice and squeeze out about 120 – 130 ml of beetroot juice and take 60 gr of celery to squeeze out about 50 ml of celery juice.
  • Prepare any glass of water
  • To start the preparation, cut a lemon in half, keep half a lemon (about 45 gr) into 4 pieces, and then gently crush it into a glass to avoid an acrid taste and squeeze the remaining half of the lemon (about 45 gr) into a glass.
  • Lightly pound 2 grams of mint leaves to wake up the smell
  • Pour 50 ml of celery juice into a glass
  • Pour 120 – 130 ml of beetroot juice
  • Stir the glass to mix the ingredients together


Then we finished this simple drink!

II. Nutritional Benefits.


One glass of Organic Detox includes:


✅Celery is packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, C, K,  beta carotene, and flavonoids that help protect the liver and other internal organs from oxidative damage and free radical damage. Besides, celery contains 95% water and 5% fiber which has a lot of vitamins and minerals such as potassium and folate… It is not only good for the liver but also very good for the digestive system, helping to nourish the body. and rebuild red blood cells, purify the blood, and good for the brain.


✅ Beets have a perfect effect in healing liver toxicity or hepatobiliary diseases. Beets contain the pigment betacyanin. This active ingredient helps the liver detoxify better by creating a chain effect in the blood vessels to help eliminate toxins in the liver.


✅Lime contains a lot of vitamin C, helps you recover health, boosts immunity, and protects your brain.


Organic Detox is a simple, delicious, and nutritious recipe with easy-to-find ingredients that helps to detoxify organically, purifying the body for a new day full of energy! At the same time, the recipe also has an easy-to-drink taste suitable for making at home. Try your hand at making this Detox water at home with quick preparation time!

If you don’t have time to prepare, pass by the Concept Store O.N.E Station #1 to choose the best drinks with organic ingredients!

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