The entrepreneurial journey of Drinkizz – The MOTION stage

In the previous post, I introduced you to the four elements of entrepreneurship philosophy in Motion, Engage, Treasury, and Assurance. This is the META framework for increasing your chances of success in business. In this post, I will focus on the Motion element, and tell you what happened with the creation of Drinkizz for me. In the next three posts, I will respectively address the other elements of the journey with Drinkizz: Engage, Treasury, and Assurance.

The Motion element is the most important for moving forward in your projects. Whether you are on an entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial adventure, whether you are a modest employee with ambition, whether you are at home with time to think about your future, whether you are retired… we all need to clarify what gives us the strength to act to progress in life.

If you plunge headlong into actions to win something without really knowing what or why, you are not putting all the chances on your side to succeed. Of course, you will always meet successful people who will tell you that just acting is enough to achieve your goals. However, why do most people feel like failures in their projects? Worse, a feeling of incompetence may appear like: why do they succeed and not me? I am really bad…

In the META framework, the Motion element forces you to reassess your situation to get out of this feeling of being stuck. To benefit from its contribution, you must first adopt three fundamental behaviors:

  1. Get out of procrastination, for example, by reading a book a week no matter the topic, even if it is in fields very far from your profession.
  2. Adopt the simplest lifestyle possible, without seeking to have real or imagined external signs of wealth.
  3. Do one hour of sport per day.

You might tell me that there are many other important points like eating and drinking well (I suggest Drinkizz…), having enough money not to stress, having the love of a stable family, good housing, living in a place with little pollution… Yes! However, if you are stuck, you cannot unlock all these elements at once. That’s why, with my experience of over 30 years in entrepreneurship, I advise you to work on the three most important behaviors; that is, your procrastination, lifestyle, and sports practice.

For two or three months, you need to build a new “inner you” that develops thanks to the cumulative gains from your new behaviors. During this period, do not try to find an idea to start a business, do not project an image of yourself as a successful entrepreneur or employee. Just let yourself be carried by working on your Motion. After a few weeks, you will be able to sit in front of your computer or a blank sheet to describe your “inner you”. As long as you haven’t written down what you have understood during this two or three month period, you won’t have a Motion strong enough to see how things can progress for you.

This writing effort is an important act of meditation. Take the time to lock yourself away with yourself to free your “inner you”. By writing it down, you will finally discover what you are ready to make sacrifices to succeed for. There is no point in having goals that can be achieved without effort since they would disappear as soon as they are in your hands. Conversely, the more difficult and long a goal is to achieve, the more the journey to obtain it becomes the very essence of life. The goal is all the more sustainable because it is long and painful to reach.

Thus, you will decide what your Motion should reveal to you. For me, I like to include the type of company I want to create, the level of financial wealth I wish to achieve, how this future wealth will be used and passed on, controlling my health through sport, combating procrastination on a daily basis, my plan B in case of personal financial failure, and my obligation to act which is not just motivation.

In 2019, after selling my IT startup, I had the success and financial wealth to stop working. I could have slipped into an easy lifestyle, without the stress of business, spending time resting around the world alone or with family. After all, a warrior’s rest… However, before locking myself into this lifestyle, I made an extra effort by re-examining my Motion. I then understood that there were some weak signals in me that just needed to be ignited:

  1. My success today is not my success tomorrow. I have realized that success is not the most important thing for me, but the path followed with its associates, collaborators, and friends is much more powerful and interesting.
  2. Money does not change the individual we are. I have never liked external signs of wealth when I was poor, and now that I could afford them, they do not interest me.
  3. I do not have the mindset of a poker player who knows how to go “all-in”. I am much more calculating and cautious, which does not allow me to live day by day. I like to think long term. Thus, spending the rest of my life on a beach with the comfort of a millionaire is not sustainable since an individual is never satisfied with what they have. It is better to continue working to build a better future than to burn one’s energy in an endless search for increasingly significant short-term pleasures to satisfy.

I then wrote the book META-Entrepreneur to clarify my Motion, hoping it would also inspire others around me and among my readers.

That’s how I got into the starting blocks to enter the next element of the META, namely “Engage”. The idea to create Drinkizz then came at the right time. I will tell you about it in the next post.


Until my next post on “Engage”, I suggest you start working on your Motion, as I explained in this post. Feel free to share with me how you are progressing in your reflection on yourself. The stake of the Motion is considerable. It is what will give you the meaning to act concretely. We will see how in the next post, dedicated to the element Engage.

See you soon!”

Useful links

Organic Nature Energy drink by Drinkizz: O.N.E Drink (Organic Natural Energy ) – Drinkizz Shop 

Training Drinkizz : Training session – Drinkizz 

Good Energy without delay!

Pierre Bonnet

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