Hi everyone, I’m Hoang Quyen.
I’m a Saigonese, so I always carry in the youthful, dynamic, and positive vibes of Sai Gon. I have had such a passion for sports since I was young, especially martial arts. I started martial art at a very young age. And it has always been with me throughout my school time. From my perspective, martial arts is a philosophy of life: “No usage is the same, no-limit is the same” – Don’t impose on yourself other’s limits, standards, or lifestyle.

Typically, a strong girl who is passionate about sports like Quyen will be rigid and not clever. But I’m incredibly creative, love crafts, nature, and especially story-telling. Finally, I have found the job that I both love and find suitable for myself is Bartender! Through every cocktail, I always put the meaning into each ingredient, then blend it into a vivid story for my customers. For me, the cocktail is not just a drink; each cocktail is filled with the enthusiasm and meticulousness of its maker. It can be said that cocktails are works of art and bartenders are multi-talented artists.
And in the age of rapidly developing technology, the hustle and bustle of life like today, we have to spend more and more time to balance our lives by taking care of ourselves even more. That is the main reason why Quyen chose to collaborate with O.N.E Drinkizz – a one-of-a-kind ingredient that allows Quyen to make cocktails that are good for the mind and healthy for the body.
O.N.E Drinkizz is the world’s first organic natural energy drink with 100% organic herbal ingredients. It brought me a fresh taste with the light aroma of herbs, incredible sweetness from the raw sugar cane balanced with lime. The aftertaste is prolonged with a bit of tart from the black tea. The natural hibiscus flowers also contributing to a vibrant red for the drink.
Whether we’re bartenders or chefs, we always crave new ingredients, above all, clean and clearly sourced ingredients. And O.N.E Drinkizz is what I’ve been looking for. It is not only an exciting combination of ingredients but also ensuring a wide range of essentials nutrients. O.N.E Drinkizz has always been my inspiration to create many more new recipes that will completely change your perspective on the world of cocktails.
Instead of drinking cocktails to get tipsy, I want to upgrade the cocktails with higher nutritional value for your body and mind.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman.
Let’s look forward to Quyen and Drinkizz’s upcoming works!=